About Us

Hello and welcome! Our mission is simple:

We exist to elevate sustainable choices globally by recognising and rewarding the most sustainable products and services.

What is the Sustainability Award?

Sustainability Award .Org is a global Australia-based environmental award scheme for organisations that are the most sustainable in their industry and products that are the most sustainable in their category. By spotlighting and awarding those doing the right thing, we boost sustainable businesses to help them thrive and expand. Conscious consumers want more choice, but need help finding the best sustainable choices. We want to play a part in transforming the world, sector by sector by raising the bar for sustainability.

What types of businesses can apply for a Sustainability Award?

The awards are open to all business types globally – product or service-based, physical or digital – that are leading the way in their industry for sustainability. From product-based businesses like beauty, stationery, fashion, and electronics to service-based businesses like spas, hotels and stores (online and virtual).

Apply for a Sustainability Award

Click ‘apply’ below to be taken to the application page for full information on the application process, and to choose an entry option.

How are organisations and products assessed?

To be eligible, organisations or products must demonstrate a serious level of commitment to sustainability in more than one category aligning with the UN Sustainability Goals outlined at the bottom of this page. The overall benchmark of each industry is considered. While products and businesses need to be among the best environmental choices in their category to win, they are not required to be 100% perfect in every way sustainability-wise.

Considerable measures must have been taken to be as sustainable as reasonably possible, going beyond the minimum steps like consumer recycling, and using other eco-friendly measures such as no single use plastics, renewables, reclaimed materials, dissolvables, natural and organic ingredients, refilling, closed loop systems, carbon offsetting, micro-generation, eco-friendly energy, etc.

Products and services should be of high quality and comply with relevant regulations in the industry and countries of operation. The awards are intended for active businesses, products and services with existing customers, an online presence, reviews and a registered business. We don’t include concepts or prototypes. 

Sustainability Award process

  1. Application Form Applicants pay the entry fee and complete an online form with information about environmental categories relevant to their business. This takes 5 – 10 minutes depending on the type of business and level of detail.
  2. Evaluation Each business or product application is assessed looking at detailed information on the website, social media, reviews, media, certifications and other awards in addition to the information provided in the application. Other products or services in the same category are researched to benchmark the level of sustainability. Further information may be requested via email.
    Product-based businesses will be sent the address closest to their HQ in either Australia, USA, UK or Germany to send products.
  3. Outcome Applicants are notified on whether they have won a Sustainability Award via email within 15 business days of applying.
  4. Promotion Winners can choose from three options to receive the winner seals and promote their win.

Who is the Sustainability Award team?

The Sustainability Award team are passionate eco-minded professionals with backgrounds in environmental not-for-profit, certification, accreditation, marketing, professional services and software. We care about helping genuinely eco-oriented businesses grow.

The Sustainability Award was founded by Anna Chatburn in Australia in 2024. Anna has two decades of experience in environmental and professional services marketing and founded her own closed loop business in 2018. After winning some awards, she realised there wasn’t an award solely focused on sustainability that was rigorous yet easy to apply for. Many organisation types, like serviced-based businesses were missing out on being recognised. So she set up the Sustainability Award, and it has quickly gained pace.

Our team and panel have a range of expertise including environmental certification and accreditation, sustainable fashion, skincare, energy saving, renewables, design and interiors, food and tech. 

Where is the Sustainability Award based?

Our HQ is in sunny Sydney, Australia and we have team members in California, USA, London, UK and Berlin, Germany. We represent and reward eco friendly organisations across the world. 

Why apply for a Sustainability Award in 2024?

Awards build customer confidence, credibility and sales. Research shows despite environmental concern being high, consumers lack clarity and trust in purchase choices. However, they are willing to pay a premium for sustainability, even with the cost of living crisis:

Awards impact brand awareness, trust, perceived quality & purchase intention.

  • 83% of consumers say awards impact brand awareness, image and perceived quality.
  • 77% are influenced by awards when it comes to purchase intention and trust.
  • Award-winning businesses can see a 37% sales boost.

Sustainability continues to drive buying decisions

  • 80% of consumers say they are willing to pay more for sustainable goods.
  • Consumers are willing to pay a 9.7% sustainability premium, even with cost-of-living and inflation concerns.
  • Consumers are 5x more likely to purchase, protect & champion purpose-driven companies.*

Our purpose-driven award scheme is focused solely on environmental sustainability, awarding only best-in-class. We have a simple, easy, customer-focused process with affordable options accessible to businesses small and large. As we service businesses globally, there are no deadlines and no award ceremonies. Applications are processed within 15 business days. Our award scheme is designed to be inclusive, straightforward and fair; the product or service is assessed on whether they are one of the best most sustainable available.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

At SustainabilityAward.org we adhere to the following five United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in our assessment criteria:

Not sure if your product or service is eligible or have other questions or suggestions? Please contact us by email at [email protected].

*Statistics Sources: Journal of Business & Economic Policy Vol. 3, No. 1, Hendricks & Singhal of the University of Western Ontario and Georgia Institute of Technology, Zeno, PwC 2024 Voice of the Consumer Survey.

Apply today

Get started today on your 2024 Sustainability Award application to boost your brand and sales. Click ‘apply’ below to be taken to the application page for full information on the application process, and to choose an entry option.