Hoopsy Sustainability Award Winner

Hoopsy: Pioneering Eco-Friendly Pregnancy Tests



Award Recognition for Sustainable Innovation

Hoopsy, the innovative company behind the world’s first 99% plastic-free pregnancy tests, has won a Sustainability Award. This recognition highlights their revolutionary approach to reducing plastic waste in a commonly used product. Hoopsy is a company dedicated to providing women with a more sustainable way to test for pregnancy. 

Hoopsy Founder Lara Inspired by IVF Experience

Founded by Lara Solomon, Hoopsy’s mission arose from her personal experience. After undergoing IVF treatments, Lara was struck by the sheer amount of plastic waste generated by traditional pregnancy tests. This realisation sparked the creation of Hoopsy’s innovative tests, crafted from 99% paper and designed to minimise environmental impact.

The Problem: Traditional Tests Cause Plastic Waste

Traditional pregnancy tests are a significant contributor to plastic pollution. Composed almost entirely of plastic, these tests canโ€™t generally be recycled and end up in landfills or our environment, taking centuries to decompose. The digital versions are classed as e-waste and even more harmful to the planet, leaching chemicals into the soil. Hoopsy identified the huge environmental footprint of pregnancy tests and set out to create a more eco-friendly alternative.

Hoopsy’s Solution: Sustainable Design with High Accuracy

Hoopsy midstream pregnancy tests boast the same high level of accuracy (over 99%) as their plastic counterparts. However, Hoopsy replaces the bulky plastic casing with a slimline sustainable, paper-based design. Hoopsy tests have a paper strip, biodegradable packet and cardboard box. This significantly reduces the overall plastic footprint of the product.


  • Simple and Sustainable: Hoopsy tests can be cut in half after use. The absorbent side you pee on can be disposed of in general waste, while the unused paper half goes in the recycling bin.
  • Breaks Down Faster: Even the used portion breaks down much quicker than traditional plastic tests, taking years instead of decades or centuries in landfill.


  • Midstream Convenience: Hoopsy tests function just like standard midstream pregnancy tests. You’ll experience the same familiar routine and get the same level of accuracy at a comparable price.
  • The Sustainable Choice: The key difference is the eco-friendly design that significantly reduces plastic waste. By choosing Hoopsy, you can get the results you need while making a conscious choice for the planet.

Reducing Plastic Waste, One Test at a Time

“We are thrilled to be recognised for our commitment to sustainability,” said a spokesperson for Hoopsy. “We believe that everyone deserves access to accurate pregnancy tests without harming the planet.”

A Sustainable Future for Healthcare

The impact of Hoopsy’s innovation is undeniable. By switching to paper-based tests, individuals can significantly reduce their plastic waste. With millions of pregnancy tests used annually, the collective effect can be substantial.

Every Test Counts

Pregnancy tests are one of those things that get overlooked when looking for a sustainable solution and yet some women will use 100s of tests when trying to conceive. We want to help women choose a better option for the planet when testing. Being recognised for everything we are doing means a lot, and the more we can spread the word the better – every test counts!

– Lara Solomon, Founder, Hoopsy

Accuracy and a Healthy Planet

Hoopsy’s success paves the way for a more sustainable future in the healthcare industry. It demonstrates that creating effective products doesn’t necessitate environmental harm. Their achievement serves as an inspiration for other companies to explore eco-friendly alternatives in their product lines.

– Anna Chatburn, Founder, Sustainability Award

By choosing Hoopsy, women can get accurate results and make a conscious choice towards a healthier planet for ourselves and future generations.

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