Promo Package 3

USD $400.00

Includes: high resolution digital award seal for the winning year, a listing on the Sustainability Award website, post on all three Sustainability Award social media, Founder testimonial, links back to your site, and full feature article.



Winner Promotional Package 3 Includes:

  1. High resolution digital award seal for the winning year to display on your website, photos, packaging, print and other materials (licensed for lifetime use).
  2. Logo and organisation listing on the Sustainability Award website including a link back to your website.
  3. Promotional video about your organisation.
  4. Posts on Sustainability Award Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook about your win.
  5. Founder testimonial about your organisation’s sustainability leadership to use in your promotional materials
  6. Full feature article published on Sustainability Award website about your organisation and / or products, detailing your sustainability leadership.
  7. Sustainability Award Winner Certificate to print and use at events, in your office or premises.