upcircle sustainability award winner

UpCircle Wins Sustainability Awards



UpCircle: Redefining Sustainability in Beauty

UpCircle is setting the standard for sustainable skincare and beauty, proving that effective skincare can exist in harmony with environmental responsibility. 

Their innovative approach to sustainability has earned them not only an organisation-wide Sustainability Award, but also recognition for several of their game-changing products. The winning products are UpCircleโ€™s Cleansing Face Milk, Night Cream, Lip Balm, Conditioner, Face Scrub, Eye Cream and Toner.

UpCircle truly embodies the essence of a closed-loop system, where waste is minimised, resources are maximised, and positive environmental impact is a core principle.

The UpCircle Story: From Dragons’ Den to Sustainability Champions

The journey began with a simple yet powerful question: what if we could give discarded materials a second life in luxury beauty products? This was the spark that ignited the vision of founders Anna and Will Brightman. In 2014, they took their concept to the BBC’s hugely popular show, Dragons’ Den, showing the dragons how they repurposed used coffee grounds into a body scrub. Their passion and commitment resonated with viewers. 

Fuelled by a growing awareness of the beauty industry’s environmental footprint and a desire to offer a truly sustainable alternative, they continued to build their range of repurposed products.

The Heart of UpCircle: A Closed-Loop System for the Future

UpCircle operates on a revolutionary closed-loop system. It started with their hero ingredient: repurposed coffee grounds. Millions of tonnes of coffee grounds end up in landfill sites each year, generating harmful methane gas. UpCircle sources these grounds from cafes and restaurants, diverting them from waste streams and giving them a new lease of life. This commitment extends to other natural and upcycled ingredients, including fruit and vegetable extracts, nut shells, and even prickly pear seeds. 

Upcircle prioritise infinitely recyclable glass and aluminium packaging, minimising the use of virgin plastic, and even partner with a charity in India to actively remove plastic waste from the ocean.

Unwavering Commitment From the Team

โ€œThe road to be recognised as a leader in the sustainable beauty space has been full of highs and lows, and wouldnโ€™t have been achieved without unwavering commitment from our team behind the scenes. Itโ€™s awards like this that motivate us to keep on going. You help shine a light on the work we do to push ahead towards a circular economy and for that weโ€™re so grateful!โ€

Anna Brightman, Co-Founder, UpCircle.

Award-Winning Products: Sustainable Luxury You Can Feel Good About

UpCircle’s dedication to sustainability extends beyond their business model, reflected in each of their Sustainability Award winning products:

These are just a few examples of UpCircle’s impressive product line. Each formula is expertly crafted to deliver high-performance results without compromising the planet.

A Shining Example – Sustainability Award Founder

โ€œUpCircle is the future of eco-innovation in the beauty and personal care industry. A shining example of what sustainability should be – a closed loop system that incentivises customers, natural and repurposed ingredients, infinitely recyclable glass and aluminium bottles and jars, renewable energy, and even actively removing plastic from oceans in India. What an inspiration! Thanks for all you do in leading the way for a better world.โ€ – Sustainability Award Founder Anna Chatburn.

UpCircle: A Model for a Sustainable Future

UpCircle’s success story is a testament to the power of innovation and a commitment to a healthier planet. Their closed-loop system sets a benchmark for the future of the beauty industry, demonstrating that sustainable practices can lead to exceptional products. As UpCircle continues to grow, they inspire other businesses to embrace a circular economy and empower consumers to make conscious choices that beautify both themselves and the environment.

UpCircle won both the organisation and product Sustainability Awards. Learn more about the awards.

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